Black Lives Matter in Eugene: Where to Go to Support the Movement

No Justice No Peace - Credit to S.M. Johnson
 Author: Sai Marie Johnson
     A loud and boisterous uproar has erupted in the streets of Eugene, Oregon and it is one that only continues to grow stronger with every passing day. And, with all great movements, we have witnessed many great organizers come together to lead everyone forward toward a safer, happier city for black people in the greater Eugene-Springfield community.
   Yet, with all great movements, there is often slight conflict, and though Eugene Black Lives Matter Protests have produced at least three great organizations that have successfully lead peaceful protests that did not lead to destruction but rather disruption meant to bring awareness, awareness to the reality that daily life for black people is more than just a struggle. It's a literal fight to survive.
We Stand With You - Credit S.M. Johnson
     Even so, in the last twelve days, we have seen miraculous and selfless acts from our community. Acts that should be recognized and praised for going above and beyond to be lasting examples of historical heroism, and it is a beautiful thing to witness.
   Recently, BLMEug split apart and the majority of the leaders banned together to formulate a new organization, Black_Unity whose first successful protest and march were held on June 9, 2020, starting from Valley River Center.
Black_Unity's logo ©
   And while Black_Unity may have experienced a separation from some other leaders, they haven't allowed the few hiccups they've experienced to disrupt them from their mission, which is clearly stated in their Facebook Group;
 Black Unity was created by people of color and white allies who seek fair and just treatment of Black lives and Black voices by placing a spotlight on awareness and education on how black lives have been affected by police brutality and bias. We seek change through systemic reform of the criminal justice system and implicit bias stigmatized by law enforcement. We fight to ensure every POC has the same opportunities of advancement as other community members and provide a safe space to voice the wants and needs of the POC community in Eugene, Lane County, and all of Oregon.
 In addition to Black_Unity, freelance media company BoopTroopEugene has popped up to capture every protest, riot, and community-related event since the George Floyd murder on May 25, 2020.
 From the start, it has been BoopTroopEugene's mission to continue to provide a fair platform for all voices but due to recent events, the need to provide a firm stance on where BoopTroopEugene stands has become obvious.
BoopTroopEugene ©
     As grassroots organizers move to coordinate more protests the understanding for unity has become glaringly apparent and brings up the question of who should be trusted to support Black Lives Matter in our community?
    In addition to Black_Unity, two reputable organizations have arisen in Eugene; BLAC; which stands for Black Lead Action Coalition and the BIPOC Liberation Collective.
     BLAC was responsible for the organizing of the Black Lives Matter Eugene Protest on 5/31/2020 and BIPOC Liberation Collective organized the Say Their Names protest on 6/7/2020.
Eugene Protests/ BIPOC Liberation Collective ©
     All of these organizations have been successful in creating peaceful protests that upheld the people's rights to exercise their Constitutional Rights and still respected the community at large. Thus, proving that they are run by young people with a zest for civic duty and a true desire to make lasting changes to their city, a place they love and call home.
     And, while many of them may have differences they share one common hope and goal; to eradicate the core racist belief systems that have been lurked in the undercurrent of a supposedly peaceful, equal, liberal city; The Emerald City - Eugene, Oregon.


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