Child Support - What Parents Seeking Help Should Know

by Sai Marie Johnson

There is no denying that raising a child is a very expensive task, though one of the most rewarding, but when facing a split-up or co-parenting with a person who is not in a relationship with you it can become incredibly stressful. Here are a few things to consider when negotiating child support payments:

·      *Educate yourself to how the child support system and payments work within your own state. Know where your child support advocacy center is located and learn about both your rights, your child’s rights and the rights of the obligated party, as well.

·      *Always remember to keep yourself in a positive mindset and to understand that your emotional response and behavior will either make the situation better or worse depending on how you respond. Choose not to argue, berate or behave in any negative way when approaching the obligated party and always remember to keep your child’s welfare and emotional health in mind first and foremost.
   *Outline and consider every expense you must undertake in order to provide for your child. This includes their educational needs, childcare cost, entertainment, extra-curricular, and taxes.
    *Be willing to have a seated discussion with any attorney, advocate or assistant who will be there to help arrange an amicable agreement between yourself and the obligated party. Ensure that you keep the conversation based on what is best for your child’s well-being and raising. These people will help mediate and ensure that a positive result is achieved.
       *Whenever possible, take time to attend any parenting classes that will help you and the obligated party to come to an agreement that works for both of your incomes and will result in neither party being financially deprived so that both you, your child and the obligated party can have a productive and happy life overall.
     *Lastly, remember to look at the finances of both yourself and the obligated party when coming up with a monthly payment amount. Sometimes it is best if a parent makes a payment every other week in instances where the amount is more than they gross per week. If this is the case in your situation, consider the repercussions as a result of how much each person makes. In the ideal situation, agreements are reached based on the calculations of both your incomes, the needs of the child and the overall cost to support them.


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