Competitions, and What I am Working on This Month

Okay guys this is the deal. I am working on tons, and tons of projects right now! I am seriously swamped. As of today I am competing in both NaNoWriMo, National Novel Writing Month, and SYTYCW, So You Think You Can Write. For SYTYCW I will be submitting, Forbidden Fantasies. For NaNoWriMo I am working on a new concept called, the Softer Side of Texas. 

 I am also going to be completing a story for my last Lit Genre class which is about mermaids, and is called Blue Abyss: Sirens of the Deep. In addition to this I am still working on completing the Selkie Revelation, AELR, and Simply Crimson. I have at least fifteen projects or more I've got shelved, and come back to due to them not having definitive deadlines, but obviously Forbidden Fantasies, Blue Abyss, and the Softer Side of Texas all do. So because of this I am pushing the publications of the other books back until after this month at least. 

My company, InfinityxCreations has been doing Author Limelight Interviews which can be seen on my WordPress Blog.
Remember to fully keep track of my projects please check out, and like my Facebook page:

Have a great week guys!

©2013 Sai Marie Johnson, All Rights Reserved


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